Accuracy test manometer from 15 psi / 1 bar to 10 psi / 690 bar, accuracy 0.05% FS
Small size temperature data logger, easy use for all needs, internal probe.
Miniaturized temperature recorder with cable and rigid metal probe of verious lengths
Temp Stick Probe with thin cable temperature data logger is a miniaturized temperature recorder with cable and rigid metal probe of various lengths
Miniaturized temperature logger with cable and rigid metal probe of different lengths and protected in a housing that makes it submersible.
Temp Stick Probe -80 temperature data logger is a miniaturized temperature recorder with cable and rigid metal probe of various lengths, calibrated from -80°C up to 20°C
The TempStick Probe 200 temperature data logger is a miniaturized temperature recorder with cable and rigid metal probe of different lengths calibrated in a range of 120 ° C from 0 ° C to 200 ° C
USB humidity and temperature logger, LCD display, automatic report generation in pdf